Mommy & Me Yoga Yoga

Mindful May: Yoga for Toddlers

As a new mom of two girls under two, my yoga is currently experienced in life’s everyday moments. Lately I’ve introduced yoga to our toddler. She rocks a pretty nice down dog and bridge pose. She even says “breathe…

overheard in yoga class
Overheard in Class

Secret Strength

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Richard Freeman explains that apana is the pattern throughout your body controlling exhaling and grounding.…

Overheard in Yoga Class
Overheard in Class

New Perspective

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Stephanie Snyder reminds that we can't always change our circumstances or the people around us, but we can always change ourselves and our perspective.…

Rod Stryker on Yoga
Meet Glo

Yoga as a Companion: Rod Stryker on Yoga

Rod Stryker shares how he discovered yoga (shout out to Light on Yoga!) as a tired teen and how that discovery led to a lifelong journey of exploring yoga and ultimately becoming a yoga teacher in the early 80's.…