If you suffer from tight hamstrings, yoga can help! This week's featured classes will help stretch, strengthen and lengthen your hamstrings!…
Whether you have sleep problems or not, yoga can definitely help us move out of the frenzied daytime state we’re so often in and into a different place – one of mental stillness, and physical calm. And if that…
Yoga can help us pause between a reaction so we can think about whether our reaction is appropriate or not.…
Welcome to Yoga: A Routine by Kathryn Budig
Remember there’s no rush and that yoga will always be here for you. You have nothing to prove. Just show up, set your intention, be patient, and have fun!…
In this week's Pose of the Week, Carole Westerman demonstrates Gomukasana or Cow Pose.…
This week's featured classes will open the heart, uplift your mood, and bring new energy and vitality into your body.…
The motivation for Amy to continue to practice is to keep experiencing more of herself, and of the world and what it's like to be human and what it's like to be alive.…
In this Pose of the Week, Jason provides a thorough demonstration of Peacock Feather Pose or Pincha Mayurasana.…
This week's featured classes will help you practice patience both on and off your mat.…