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Rod Stryker on Yoga
Meet Glo

Yoga as a Companion: Rod Stryker on Yoga

Rod Stryker shares how he discovered yoga (shout out to Light on Yoga!) as a tired teen and how that discovery led to a lifelong journey of exploring yoga and ultimately becoming a yoga teacher in the early 80's.…

Meet YogaGlo
Meet Glo

Playfulness: Dice iida-Klein on Yoga

Dice-lida Klein shares what initially drew him to yoga: the handstand. It will now and forever always make him feel like a kid because as much as it's meditative and focus driven, there is playfulness behind it. …

meet yogaglo
Meet Glo

Beyond Language: Tias Little on Yoga

Tias Little shares how the wisdom teachings of yoga have helped him move from a rigorous focus on the physical practice to noticing the subtle edges of the yoga practice.…