pose of the week
Pose Library

Pose of the Week: Fish Pose

In this week's Pose of the Week, Steven Espinosa demonstrates Fish Pose or Matseyasana. A gentle approach to a wonderful supine heart opener. Take a look at two variations of the pose, one more slightly advanced than the other.…

david harshada wagner

Men Learning to Be Better Men

Every one of us has a backbone. It’s not a matter of ‘growing one’ – it’s about finding it. It’s about deeply examining ourselves, and choosing the kind of man we want to be. It’s about knowing where you…

pose of the week
Pose Library

Pose of the Week: One Leg Behind Head

An advanced hip opening pose, learn the Ashtanga way to access this deep external hip rotation and forward fold asana. Make sure you are warmed up and are familiar with leg behind the head poses before practicing.…

overheard in yoga class
The Language of Yoga

Expect the Unexpected

In this week’s Overheard in Yoga Class, Kathryn Budig challenges us to release the need to predict or understand. We can drop those assumptions and be present to whatever presents itself Take this class with Kathryn: http://bit.ly/2ebcP7s…