There's a Class for That

5 Classes to Intensify Your Yoga Practice

intense yoga classes

Looking for ways to intensify your practice? We’ve got the classes for you! This week’s featured classes will be deep and intense, leaving you strong and stretched in your body, and rested in your mind.

  • Intense Flow Workout Yoga with Dice Iida-Klein: Get your sweat on! This intense flow class starts slow in standing-forward fold (uttanasana) variations and moves right along into Surya Namaskar A (sun salutation A). Keeping the pace, we make our way through variations of dancing hanuman (dancing monkey), warrior variations, triangle pose (trikonasana) and half-moon pose (ardha chandrasana). Accompanied by side
    plank (vasisthasana) and forearm side plank pose, we work the obliques and abdominals. Handstand and Scorpion pose (Vrschikasana) are briefly explained as well. Get movin my fellow yogis!
  • Highly Intense, Highly Fun with Claire Missingham: Drawing on the basis of amazing high-intensity interval training, get stronger for arm balances and planks using your core. A great complement to your yoga practice, no matter what level, learn some fantastic calisthenic movements and a variety of rhythmical body-weight exercises to increase strength through your whole body. Movements include mountain climbers combined with plank variations, burpies and bridge variations. Briefly cool down with a twist and hamstring stretches. It’s rocking fun!
  • Come to Know the Preciousness of Your Life with Marc Holzman: This is an intense, slow, mindful, non-stop flow class focusing on the quality and precision of the breath and foundation placement. We only stop for 5-8 minutes to practice our handstands at the wall. Otherwise it is a deliberate, introspective flow for a full 60 minutes. Required: wall for handstands if necessary.
  • Intense Flow for Confidence & Energy with Amy Ippoliti: If you’re dragging and need energy or want a blast of confidence before doing something scary or daunting in your life, enjoy a practice that challenges, makes you sweat and explodes from one standing pose to the next. Leave feeling stealth, capable, competent and gleaming. Challenging poses are included to increase your confidence and energy.
  • Calm the Mind Through Flow with Chelsey Korus: You’ve only got a short time to practice but you need it all, especially calming the chatter of the mind. Through intense lunges, twists, forward folds, inversions, heart openers, and core work, feel strong and stretched in your body, and rested in your mind. Finish off in child’s pose to reset before continuing with the rest of your day. Props Suggested: Two blocks.

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