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There's a Class for That

Advanced Calm Classes

Are you a seasoned yogi looking to calm your body and mind? This advanced program specifically designed to help you release stress and focus on stillness and breath, while invigorating your body and finding your inner harmony. Whether you’re…

There's a Class for That

Intermediate Calm Classes

Are you an intermediate yogi looking to calm your body and mind? This intermediate program specifically designed to help you release stress and focus on stillness and breath, while invigorating your body and finding your inner harmony. Whether you’re…

There's a Class for That

6 Steps for Calming: Grounding Forward Bends

Forward bends are the introverts of the asana spectrum. While backbends have a spacious, majestic quality, forward bends turn us inward and create the conditions for greater calmness and ease. These postures even have a grounding effect for students…

There's a Class for That Yoga for Beginners

Beginner Calm Programs

Are you a beginner yogi looking to calm your body and mind? This beginner program is specifically designed to help you release stress and focus on stillness and breath, while invigorating your body and finding your inner harmony. Whether…