If you need a little pick-me up to carry you through a difficult day, week or even month, yoga might be the answer.…
If you're feeling discouraged with your yoga practice or are having trouble getting motivated or staying motivated, try writing down an affirmation or a mantra.…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Harshada Wagner explains the steps in shifting from negative self-talk to becoming your own friend.…
What samtosha is all about is going back inside and trying to tweak our own reactions to life, so that we can learn to sit more calmly and less reactive in the presence of whatever life throws at us.…
In this Pose of the Week, Elena Brower demonstrates Locust Pose or Salabhasana. …
A New Year is upon us and there's something about this time of year that gets most of us thinking about improvement, happiness, growth and change.…
In this Pose of the Week, Darren Rhodes demonstrates Compass Pose or Surya Yantrasana.…
If you practice in a studio with fellow yogis or follow your favorite teacher at home, it is easy to get hung up on what a pose is "supposed" to look like.…
In this Pose of the Week, Kathryn Budig demonstrates Arm Pressure Balance or Bujipidasana.…