This week's featured classes will help reset your mind and body so you can meet the rest of your day with clarity and ease.…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Marc Holzman explains the definition of healthy prana: life force or vitality, as well as the ability of that vitality to journey to the inside and back to the surface of your body…
Free yourself from aversions and become steady in the awareness of your true self.…
As a new mom of two girls under two, my yoga is currently experienced in life’s everyday moments. Lately I’ve introduced yoga to our toddler. She rocks a pretty nice down dog and bridge pose. She even says “breathe…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Richard Freeman explains that apana is the pattern throughout your body controlling exhaling and grounding.…
If you're looking to get in touch with your playful side, this week we're featuring a blend of fun and energetic classes that will be sure to supercharge your day and make you smile.…
We practice to build a solid foundation that we can lean on during the ups and downs.…
This week's featured classes will help to build strength and flexibility in the wrists, as well as help to alleviate any tension or discomfort due to overused wrists.…
This week's featured classes will help reset your body quickly to be able to continue working while establishing more blood flow, brain flow and body comfort.…