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at home yoga

overheard in yoga class
The Language of Yoga

A Return to Courage

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Chelsey reminds us that good things are coming to us, to our bodies and to this world. Good things are coming.…

pose of the week
Pose Library

Pose of the Week: Lord of the Fish

In this week's Pose of the Week, Tiffany Cruikshank demonstrates Lord of the Fish or Ardha Matseyndrasana. Bring some space into your spine and hips with this wonderful seated twisting pose. Hold for a few breaths and repeat on…

partner yoga

Partner Yoga with Claudine & Honza

We have some excited news! We've just added six new Partner Yoga classes to the site with Claudine & Honza from Yoga Beyond with more classes on the way. Grab and partner and enjoy! …


Kathryn Budig’s Red Quinoa Apricot Salad

Quinoa is a staple in my diet, so I’m always on a mission to find new creative ways to make it shine. The sweetness of apricot and richness of sweet potato make this meal awesome.…

yoga staff pose
Pose Library

Pose of the Week: Staff Pose

In this week's Pose of the Week, Stephanie Snyder demonstrates Yoga Staff Pose or Yoga Dandasana. Got warmed up hips and looking to play? Learn this pose in a step by step manner so you can safety access deep…