In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Steven Espinosa reminds us that doing something faster is not always better.…
As in life, the greatest rewards in our practice come from doing the simplest things. …
This new section of YogaGlo has been designed with you in mind. We've asked our resident female yoga teachers to create classes that address specific needs -- fertility, menopause, anti-aging, PMS -- and other classes that will help you…
In this Pose of the Week, Sianna Sherman demonstrates Full Side Plank Pose or Full Vasistasana.…
This weekend we challenge you to make a commitment to celebrate Earth Day everyday!…
The sixth limb of yoga, dharana, is affectionately referred to as "concentration."…
In this Pose of the Week, Darren Rhodes demonstrates Feathered Peacock Pose or Pincha Mayurasana.…
So this weekend we challenge you to take some time to try and reconnect to your life's purpose - make your way back onto the path that you might have strayed from. …
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Amy Ippoliti reminds us that it's actually ok to want things, to desire things. …