In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Jodi Blumstein reminds us that having an advanced yoga practice does not necessarily mean being able to do super advanced asanas. …
Letting go of the refrains in your head that are not serving you well, and are in fact, just leading to more anxiety and worry, is a pretty good reason to experiment with mantras. If you're going to have…
We practice the strength in the body so we can do our dharma in the world. …
In other words, net-neti describes the fact that humans' perceptions are fundamentally limited by our five senses and by our cognitive capacity. …
This week's featured classes will help lift your mood and make you smile. …
The idea of introducing themes like compassion into our practice is that it insinuates itself into muscle layers, cell layers and though streams until it becomes our living reality. …
This week's featured classes will help to release the toxins and stress that build up in your body during the holiday season. …
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Steven Espinosa reminds us just to honor. …
As you may have heard, YogaGlo recently received a patent for one very specific way to create yoga class videos for online streaming. Although we issued a statement containing the facts about this patent a few months ago, many…