There's a Class for That

Yoga for a Great Attitude

there's a class for that

Although most of us try to cultivate habits of happiness, some days we just find ourselves in a funk and are in need to snap out of it! If you need a little pick-me up or even an attitude adjustment to carry you through a difficult day, week or even month, yoga might be the answer. Several studies show how yoga can give you the boost of happiness and shift in perspective that we all need once in awhile.

This week’s featured classes will help adjust your mood and make you smile.

  • Be Happy with Steven Espinosa: This time we have on our yoga mat is special. So as much as possible try to make the most of it and be happy to be here! Class begins with a gentle opening warm up on the floor, gradually building into a steady Standing Pose series including Warrior 2, Extended Side Angle, Triangle and Half Moon, followed by Hip/Thigh/Hamstring stretches leading into Back Bends. The focus of this segment is on opening up the lower body to settle and calm the central nervous system.
  • Attitude Practice with Marc Holzman: The Three A’s of Anusara Series. In this class we explore the power of the first A (Attitude) by cultivating a strong intention and contemplating the “WHY” behind our practice and our lives. This is a strong class with standing poses and various arm balances: bakasana, eka pada bakasana, eka hasa bhujasana into koundinyasana 1.
  • Yoga for a Great Attitude with Amy Ippoliti: Need an attitude adjustment? It goes with out saying that yoga itself, no matter what kind you do, helps with your attitude – but there are definitely some poses that are more mood enhancing than others. This all around practice includes a healthy does of heart opening and shoulder yumminess, backbends, hips and savasana.
  • Yoga to Change Your Perspective with Kathryn Budig: Shift your attitude and perspective along with your hamstrings and hip flexors. We explore the potential for growth, length, space and change in our minds and lower bodies leading up to Uttitha Hasta Padangustasana (Standing Hand to Big Toe) and Vashistasana II (Side Plank II).
  • Clearing the Subtle Body with David Harshada Wagner: The subtle body is the energy field that permeates the physical body. It is the seat of our mind and out emotions and its wellbeing is an important element in our experience of happiness. In this session, Harshada will lead us through simple meditation and breathing exercises designed to clear out the energetic junk that builds up in our subtle body. Session will include guided practice and discussion.
  • Reposition Your Internal Self with Elena Brower: Inversions as a way to reframe and reposition yourself internally; to let go of judgments of yourself and others, and turn your entire perspective around. Preparatory poses, forearm stand, headstand, handstand, and some accessible variations, with a focus on lengthening your inner legs to stabilize your lower back. Gentle awareness of your brow/6th chakra to recognize patterns and move them through.


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