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n the new work landscape created by the pandemic, managing our stress is a whole different beast. Many of us have doubled our workplace stress by bringing it home and we’re feeling more burnt out than ever.
The Language of Yoga

Preventing vs. repairing burnout

We can tackle burnout from at least two vantage points: preventing it and repairing it. It's the difference between going to the gas station to “top off” your gas tank and waiting until you’re stranded on empty. Here's everything…

Most of us know the incredible benefits of meditation, but that doesn’t stop us from thinking that we are too busy, the world is too crazy, or that soon, just around the corner, things will calm down and we will finally make room to meditate.
Meditation basics

Meditation myth vs. reality

Most of us know the incredible benefits of meditation, but that doesn’t stop us from thinking that we are too busy, our surroundings are too crazy, or we’re simply too stressed out to meditate right now. We took a…