Our yoga practice is an opportunity for us to recharge our batteries and refill the well. …
online yoga classes
Sally Kempton reminds is that many of the traditions of meditation contain specific alchemical processes for working with difficult emotions. …
Marla Apt explains that we build everything from our foundation so we always want out foundation to be stable, firm and balanced. …
This week's featured classes are fantastic for cardiovascular work, building strength and cultivating endurance. …
This week's featured classes concentrate on introducing and opening the chakras through asana and meditation. …
This week's featured classes will help with building strength and releasing strain the wrists. …
Jodi Blumstein reminds us that it is our practice that helps us connect to ritual and devotion. …
This week's featured classes will break down your favorite poses so you can safely and effectively get the most out of your practice. …
At the end of savasana, for the first time in a very long time - and although it was almost painful - I was able to say... slowly, carefully and very low: "I love myself."…