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The Language of Yoga

8 steps for building resilience

What we might call “bouncing back,” “rolling with the punches,” or “bending so we don’t break,” psychologists define as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, or significant stress. These problems, as the APA American Psychological…


7 tips for practicing at home with the kids

With stay-at-home orders in place, many of us have felt cramped, like we’re battling for valuable real estate around the house. If you were one of the rare few who had a solid home yoga practice and were able…

The Language of Yoga

Manifestation during times of uncertainty

One of yoga’s many teachings is unity—there is no separation between the doer, the act of doing, and that which is done. There is no difference between the yogini, the act of practicing yoga, and the poses themselves. After…


A weekend escape without leaving home

As the weeks at home stretch on, many of us are beginning to feel like we’re going through the motions or simply filling time. Others are struggling with days that seem to endlessly blend together, as the lines between…

Pose Library

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana: Stand in unwavering strength

Pronounced: utt-HEE-tuh AH-stuh PAH-DAHN-goo-St-HAH-suh-nuh Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose So much of yoga’s origins are clouded in mystery. Beyond the fact that the original yoga posture was the seated meditation pose, we don’t know how, when, where, or why the first…