This week’s featured classes will help adjust your mood and make you smile.…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Steven Espinosa reminds us that at times we can take ourselves and our yoga practice very seriously.…
We often have an idyllic perception of how things should be, and that takes us out of relationship with how things are. This disconnect can create more stress as we fight and resist, rather than letting go and finding…
Yoga helps to anchor and ground yourself in order to articulate your highest presence in all you do.…
Need to shift your perspective? Yoga can help. This week's featured classes will help elevate our energy and open us to view the world from a different perspective.…
Though downward dog and upward bow poses might seem to be diametrically opposed to each other, there are patterns of alignment, movement and breath that connect the two intimately.…
This week’s featured classes will refine your understanding of alignment so you can apply it to your postures.…
To grip the booty or to not grip the booty? That is the question. Annie Carpenter explains why, when and how in this week’s Overheard in Yoga class. Take this class with Annie:…
If you find yourself slouching or if you're just looking to improve your posture, we've got the classes for you!…