Here are a few tips for navigating the unfamiliar - and sometimes rocky - waters of being a new teacher.…
In this Pose of the Week, Elena Brower demonstrates Dolphin Plank Pose or Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana.…
Dhyana, or meditation, is described as the "continuous flow of cognition" toward an object - the object being the one we've been concentrating on from the last limb, dharana. …
In this Pose of the Week, Stephanie Snyder demonstrates Side Reclining Leg Lift or Anantasana.…
This week's featured classes will be sure to help bring flexibility and strength to our feet, toes and ankles, leading to better alignment and health of the body. …
So this weekend we challenge you to do just that - strive to be a little more amazing than you were yesterday, on the mat and off.…
As in life, the greatest rewards in our practice come from doing the simplest things. …
In this Pose of the Week, Sianna Sherman demonstrates Full Side Plank Pose or Full Vasistasana.…
In this Pose of the Week, Darren Rhodes demonstrates Feathered Peacock Pose or Pincha Mayurasana.…