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yoga at home

weekend challenge
There's a Class for That

Weekend Challenge: Be of Service

Think back to a time when you did something good for someone else. Remember the smile they had on their face, the look of surprise, the sheer happiness in their voice and the gratitude that they exuded?…

my yoga moment

My Yoga Moment: For the Rest of My Life

That "moment" is different for everyone and this summer we want to celebrate YOUR yoga moments. We also want to acknowledge the many yoga studios all over the world that make so many incredible yoga moments possible. …

My Yoga Moment

My Yoga Moment: Finding My Strength

Instead of temporarily diluting the difficulty, I channeled the intensity of my emotions onto my mat. I found strength in what I had been thinking of as weakness. …

My Yoga Moment

My Yoga Moment: Eventually, You Find Your Way

That "moment" is different for everyone and we want to celebrate YOUR yoga moments. We also want to acknowledge the many yoga studios all over the world that make so many incredible yoga moments possible. …

My Yoga Moment

My Yoga Moment: Stay on Your Mat and Breathe

That "moment" is different for everyone and this summer we want to celebrate YOUR yoga moments. We also want to acknowledge the many yoga studios all over the world that make so many incredible yoga moments possible. …

overheard in yoga class
Yoga basics

Get Out of Your Head

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Kathryn Budig reminds us to not only be open to the unknown of what our practice is, but to be open to the successes that we'll have and also the failures. …

Yoga basics

Sometimes You Have to Come Home

Having vowed to bust out of my yoga comfort zone, I've been trying some new styles recently. It actually hasn't been too painful. Some styles hooked me in ways I didn't expect, and even the ones I didn't completely…