
My Yoga Moment: Stay on Your Mat and Breathe

My Yoga Moment

Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for many years, we all have a “moment.” A moment where something shifted and our practice allowed us to see ourselves and the world around us in a different way. A moment where we fell out of a pose and laughed and it was everything. A moment that showed us we’re stronger than we realized. A moment where we finally kicked up into headstand on our own and couldn’t believe it. A moment where we could finally let it all go and just be.

That “moment” is different for everyone and this summer we want to celebrate YOUR yoga moments. We also want to acknowledge the many yoga studios all over the world that make so many incredible yoga moments possible. Want to share your yoga moment with us? Here’s how.

This week’s Yoga Moment comes from Roos Grishaver during her practice at Yoga Garden, in Amsterdam.

“Yesterday I had a big yoga moment. It was a vinyasa class at Yoga Garden and I just got back home from a not so great vacation. I did not have my usual power on, and I didn’t understand why. I kept falling out of balance, and that’s when it started to dawn on me something was up. I didn’t know what or why, I just went with it. I started to investigate and went totally inside. It was hard to be nice and not judge myself or compare myself with my neighbor. And then they came out. Tears were falling down my face. I couldn’t breathe through my nose anymore and then the ugly cry wanted to come out. I wanted to stop and leave the class. But that’s where I draw the line. I focused my attention on my breath again and said to myself; ’ you are feeling this, and that’s okay, just stay on your mat and breathe. That’s it. Nothing more.’ So I listened to myself and did just that.”

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