In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Amy Ippoliti explains that in this world of rapid technology advances, it can be easy to get enamored with what's shiny and new, while losing touch with what your past can teach…
amy ippoliti yoga
In this week's Pose of the Week, Amy Ippoliti demonstrates Wild Thing or Camatkarasana.…
The motivation for Amy to continue to practice is to keep experiencing more of herself, and of the world and what it's like to be human and what it's like to be alive.…
Amy Ippoliti teaches us to hone in and flow with awareness of every moment and tune into sensation through balancing poses to focus our minds. Leave the mat and start appreciating the beauty all around you.…
This week’s featured classes will help you transition into 2016 with grace, ease, strength & stamina.…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Amy encourages us to bring ourselves to this practice no matter what emotional state we're in. Whether we're feeling sad, raw, grieving, angry, livid, outraged, or elated, yoga is a safe place…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Amy reminds us that each of us has a certain sparkle, a certain way in which we're great and a way in which we are distinct or unique.…
Yoga can help you achieve a state of grounded bliss so you can move through life more centered and aware. …
Whether you are tight or flexible in your lower back, imagine if you could free up hips and lower back so much that your legs felt lighter and more powerful!…