We've created a new series, Ask a Yogi, so you can learn more about our YogaGlo teachers by asking them the questions you've always wanted to ask.…
The third yama, asteya, is translated as “non-stealing,” or more fully, “To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes.” There are a lot of different interpretations of this one.…
In this Pose of the Week, Jodi Blumstein demonstrates Firefly Pose or Titibhasana.…
Running. Surfing. Dance. Skiing, Golf, Boxing, Climbing. Hockey. Soccer. Tennis. It's hard to find a sport where yoga isn't suggested to help enhance an athlete's overall performance. Several studies show how integrating a yoga practice in to your training…
We've created a new series, Ask a Yogi, so you can learn more about our YogaGlo teachers by asking them the questions you've always wanted to ask.…
Mastering the Art of Classroom Communication: How to Avoid Common Verbal Pitfalls
While some people are more verbal than others, everyone can become more skillful communicators with a plan and practice. Part 1 of this 2-part post focuses on common cueing pitfalls. Trust me, I have fallen into all four of…
As the seasons change our bodies change, moving with the seasons in order to create balance within us. This week we are focusing on all the ways our yoga practice can serve as a grounding force for us in…
This week, Marc Holzman reminded us that in order to live a life of meaning and purpose, we must identify what our unique gift is and share it with the world.…
What do you eat before yoga class so you’re not too full but have enough energy?
We've created a new series, Ask a Yogi, so you can learn more about our YogaGlo teachers by asking them the questions you've always wanted to ask.…