There's a Class for That

9 science-backed tips on midday nap benefits

What do Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison have in common? Besides their notable brilliance, all three were notorious nappers. While naps are often maligned as lazy or unproductive, these men understood something essential. Whether we’re chronically fatigued…

Announcements Community

Glo Community: We’re better together

I’m excited to announce we’re launching Glo Community!  We’ve been able to post comments about each class since we launched Glo in 2008. But as our membership grew, so too did the number classes and comments. Conversations naturally became…

Yoga basics

Breathwork: Take a deep breath

In the yoga tradition, the individual soul is called “Atman.” From the Sanskrit root “at,” meaning “to breathe,” a soul is defined as “That Which Breathes.” Our life begins with a breath. We know that a baby has been…

Community There's a Class for That

Real stories of real support

Everyone encounters something totally different on their journey, so it’s easy to feel like the obstacles we face are ours alone and could never be overcome. The incredible thing about community, however, is the discovery that though we’re each…

There's a Class for That

Your practice is showing

You’ve been showing up for your practice, and so in turn, it shows. Many of us first came to our mats in search of a new form of physical exercise. While an invigorating round of sun salutations or Pilates…