There's a Class for That

Your practice is showing

You’ve been showing up for your practice, and so in turn, it shows. Many of us first came to our mats in search of a new form of physical exercise. While an invigorating round of sun salutations or Pilates…

Pose Library

Gomukhasana: Give it your all

Pronounced: go-mook-HAS-uh-nuh Cow Face Pose From the Sanskrit “go” meaning “cow,” and “mukha,” meaning “face,” Gomukhasana invites us to playfully place our bodies in a shape that resembles the face of a cow. If you’re having trouble seeing it,…

There's a Class for That

Healing in all directions

When you set out to climb a steep slope, the most expedient route isn’t a straight line toward the peak. Instead, you zig and zag, gradually making your way upward at an incline that’s sustainable. Though at times it…