The Language of Yoga

Yoga for Weight Loss

In fact, yoga’s power to change the body may not so much lie in its physical effects, but in its mental ones. A study a few years ago, looked at the role of Kripalu yoga in helping people lose…

Pose of the Week: Half Moon Pose
Pose Library

Pose of the Week: Half Moon Pose

Step by step, learn the essentials on taking your warrior II into standing half moon. Develop greater strength and focus while practicing counter balancing between your upper and lower body.…

gate keepers pose
Pose Library

Get More Flexible with Gatekeeper’s Pose

Looking to cultivate flexibility? Join Claire Missingham while she demonstrates Gatekeeper pose or Parighasana. Find a glorious stretch through your side body and hips as you move through a few stages of gatekeeper pose. A great intermediate pose that packs a…


Yoga Gives Back: The Power to Serve

We believe in Yoga Gives Back and we're thrilled to support them by hosting an event where Kia Miller will teach a very special class to support mothers and children in India. This class will be all about Yoga…