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YogaGlo iOS 1.2.0 : Our Biggest Refinement

Since we launched our fully featured iOS app in December, we've been busy working to improve your experience and we're happy to announce our biggest release since then. This release has a lot of refinements to help improve your…

Claudine Lafond is a YogaGlo Teacher

Claudine Lafond is a YogaGlo Teacher!

Claudine believes that anything is possible. Her intention is to create an inclusive environment where students can move freely, feel good, have fun and experience the infinitude of possibilities within themselves.…

Free YogaGlo Classes in January

Join Us in January

A new year is upon us and if you Glo in LA, January is packed full of YogaGlo teachers teaching free yoga classes nearly every day of the month. We would be delighted and honored to have you join…


Introducing the new YogaGlo!

We are excited to announce the launch of a brand new YogaGlo. All your favorite teachers are still here, along with over 2,500 classes to choose from, that part hasn’t changed. The new site is easier to use with…