Kia Miller explains that when our energy is balanced in the solar plexus we are able to access our inner power and grace. …
Marla Apt explains that we build everything from our foundation so we always want out foundation to be stable, firm and balanced. …
This week's featured classes are fantastic for cardiovascular work, building strength and cultivating endurance. …
Jodi Blumstein reminds us that consistency is the most important and valuable piece of our practice. …
This week's featured classes concentrate on introducing and opening the chakras through asana and meditation. …
According to the yoga tradition, the bandhas are the step after asana. …
Known as a “teachers’ teacher,” Annie is the creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, an intelligent marriage of mindful movement with compassionate, wakeful alignment. Annie creates practices that are at once advanced and challenging, yet safe and playful.…
This week's featured classes will help us build a solid foundation, inside and out. …
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Richard Freeman explains Svara. The flow of breath in the nostrils. …