In this week's Pose of the Week, Carole Westerman demonstrates Wide Leg Forward Fold or Prasarita Padottanasana. Take a break and fold in! Release tight hamstrings and let your neck go as you breath into your back body. A…
This week in wellness news, how do you find a balance between keeping up-to-date and staying calm? New studies point to benefits of mindfulness, an increasingly popular form of anxiety-reduction habits and practices that get people to focus on…
Short meditations for calming down during #SuperBowl, long practices for ignoring it entirely. You choose, yogis!…
If you’re looking to boost your metabolism, add these 4 yoga classes into your yoga routine! The metabolism affects every process in the body so make sure you fire it up so it runs more efficiently!…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Amy Ippoliti explains that in this world of rapid technology advances, it can be easy to get enamored with what's shiny and new, while losing touch with what your past can teach…
Kathryn Budig shares a clean, detoxifying salad recipe - perfect way to start the New Year! …
In fact, yoga’s power to change the body may not so much lie in its physical effects, but in its mental ones. A study a few years ago, looked at the role of Kripalu yoga in helping people lose…
Step by step, learn the essentials on taking your warrior II into standing half moon. Develop greater strength and focus while practicing counter balancing between your upper and lower body.…
This week in wellness news, a new study finds that eight weeks of meditation can significantly alter the stress response in people with generalized anxiety disorder, and this is evident in the levels of stress hormones and inflammatory markers.…