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5 Yoga Classes to Help You Find Your Purpose

5 Yoga Classes to Help You Find Your Purpose

Your purpose (dharma) comes alive when you live your own truth, when you’re completely connected. When you are connected with your dharma, everything else will fall in to place.

This week’s featured classes will help you become a little firmer and clearer on your purpose in life

  • Bless this Day with Purpose with Stephanie Snyder: Remind yourself that each day you have is a blessing. Active addiction robs us of our ability to contribute to the world through productive, constructive and empowering action. For those on the path to recovery, value a life of purpose, service, humility and grace in this spiritual tune up. Props Suggested: Two blocks.
  • Fiery Purpose with David Wagner: What is our purpose in life and how do we find out what it is? This question is one asked many people on the spiritual path. In this 60 minute class, David Harshada Wagner will lead us through an exploration of the topics of Dharma and Swadharma. Class will include discussion and guided meditation.
  • True North with Giselle Mari: Very simply, this class realigns intention and purpose by tapping into your internal compass. When you realign with your true north, everything you do comes from the grounding of compassion. Class includes hip openers, floor work, urdhva dhanurasana and a finishing long-hold headstand. Props Needed: A block and a blanket.
  • Meditation of Finding Your True Dharma: Your purpose (dharma) comes alive when you live your own truth, when you’re completely connected. When you are connected with your dharma, everything else will fall in to place. If you are looking to remember your own purpose, this practice helps you find happiness within yourself. Focus in on that which is beloved and important to you. Conclude with a quiet moment of reverence for your own dharma. Props Needed: A blanket. Props Suggested: A bolster.
  • Stand in Your Dharma with Marc Holzman: In ancient teachings, the purusharthas translate as the ‘four aims of life’ and are considered a blueprint for a meaningful life. Explore dharma (divine duty), the first aim, through a series of standing postures that promote strength, endurance and wellbeing. After a short discussion, move into your practice with a solid focus on alignment. Use this class to build heat and lower body strength, becoming firm and clear on your purpose in life. Props Needed: Two blocks.

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