Felicia Tomasko reminds us to always try and see the healthy instead of living on the auto pilot of the familiar. …
We get entrained by those around us. You become a different person if you hang out in a bar versus satsanga with people studying and practicing to be their best selves. It's sort of like 'you are what you…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Darren Rhodes explains that your practice can alleviate some of life's pokes and prods. …
This week's featured classes will help dissolve mental and physical limitations allowing us to connect to the limitless potential of the soul. …
Duhkha is almost always translated as suffering and something to avoid. But it’s more like uneasiness, or discomfort. Duhkha is not something that we can really get rid of, it’s something that resides within us, always. Even when you’re…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Elena Brower reminds us that whenever we doubt our ourselves or others, our practice has the power to shift out energy. …
Kirtan is a call-and-response style of mantra chanting, which makes it even more audience-participatory than other styles of music. …
When we're inspired, we become empowered and suddenly our minds and hearts race with passion and possibility. …
In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Giselle Mari reminds us that we have a tremendous desire and capacity to connect with all of life, but our busy lives often reinforce more separation. …