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Overheard in Yoga Class
Overheard in Class

Establish Your Roots

When practiced correctly, yoga can help clear out our root chakra so we feel grounded, secure and rooted in times of turmoil and change.…

There's a Class for That

The Benefits of Chest Openers

Chest openers are some of the most rewarding stretches in yoga practice. They are a great way to open up the muscles in the chest to reverse forward leaning posture and they are great for creating freedom and space…

The Language of Yoga

Reveal & Revel in Creativity

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Claire Missingham explains that when we are creative, we become less concerned with the outside world and we just allow what is inside of us to be freed. …

overheard in yoga class
Yoga basics


The idea of introducing themes like compassion into our practice is that it insinuates itself into muscle layers, cell layers and though streams until it becomes our living reality. …


Yoga for Teens on YogaGlo

Are you a parent with a YogaGlo account and a teen who would love to take yoga classes at home? The day you've been waiting for is finally here. We now offer yoga classes designed exclusively for your teens…