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online yoga

The image features a cozy scene with a wooden nightstand or side table. On top of the table, there are several stacked books, primarily focused on wellness, cooking, and healthy living. The titles visible include "One Part Plant," "The Wellness Mama Cookbook," "Aim True," "The Moon Juice Cookbook," and "Oh She Glows Every Day."


We're all about nourishing our mind, body and spirit and one of the best ways we can honor our temple is to eat mindfully. We can't get enough of these amazing cookbooks with recipes for healthy living and eating!…

Pose Library

Pose of the Week: Eight Angle Pose

In this Pose of the Week, Amy Ippoliti demonstrates Eight Angle Pose or Ashtavakarasana. Fire up your core and find your power with this fun arm balance. Discover perhaps a new way to access this asana that you may…

There's a Class for That - Yoga

Only Love is Real

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Chelsey Korus reminds us that love is the birthplace of your well spring of compassion and holds the key to your healing. Fear is learned, but love is your truest and most…