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Alice G. Walton

the language of yoga
The Language of Yoga

The Language of Yoga: Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help us be more present in a huge number of ways, from actually tasting our food to being able to attend our own internal processes to letting go of those "bad" thoughts when we can't seem…

the language of Yoga
The Language of Yoga

The Language of Yoga: Chitta Vritti

Meditation has been shown to work not only through the millennia that humans have been practicing it, but how it works has also been observed through the brain imaging studies over just the last few years. …

the language of yoga
The Language of Yoga

The Language of Yoga: Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra lets you get so deep into a meditative state, that your thinking mind - all the mind chatter, all your convictions, worries and self-criticisms - falls away, and what you're left with is just pure consciousness. …

the language of yoga
The Language of Yoga

The Language of Yoga: Guru

The one in whom you perceive the presence of the Self, who inspires you, who teaches the intricacies of the spiritual path, and who guides, supports, cajoles, challenges, and corrects, is the Guru. …

what is savanna
The Language of Yoga

The Language of Yoga: Savasana

Whether it's your first or thousandth yoga class, and regardless of your proficiency, your interest level, or whether you even believe that yoga "works" for you, savasana is one pose that will get to you. …

Namaste Meaning
The Language of Yoga

The Language of Yoga: Namaste

To kick off a new series that will cover some of the more common terms we hear in our yoga practices, it seems fitting, if a little backwards, to begin with the term that most people hear at the…

8 limbs of yoga
The Language of Yoga

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Samadhi

To experience samadhi, which is sometimes called enlightenment, it's often said that you lose your sense of self as a separate from the other. The observer and the observed blend into one. …