In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Marc Holzman reminds us that there are three qualities that we already posses: precision, gentleness and the ability to let go. …
If you are a cyclist and haven't started doing yoga than what are you waiting for? Yoga could just be the missing piece in your daily routine. …
Practicing mindfulness can help us be more present in a huge number of ways, from actually tasting our food to being able to attend our own internal processes to letting go of those "bad" thoughts when we can't seem…
This week's featured classes will help us feel stability in our body and in our life. …
Enjoy the time that you have on your mat and enjoy the feeling that yoga creates in you.…
Meditation has been shown to work not only through the millennia that humans have been practicing it, but how it works has also been observed through the brain imaging studies over just the last few years. …
Part of what we try to do with our practice is to shift that pattern and release that trapped energy so we become good at something else. …
Whether you are tight or flexible in your lower back, imagine if you could free up hips and lower back so much that your legs felt lighter and more powerful!…
Yoga nidra lets you get so deep into a meditative state, that your thinking mind - all the mind chatter, all your convictions, worries and self-criticisms - falls away, and what you're left with is just pure consciousness. …