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online yoga classes

There's a Class for That

Transform Your Challenges Into Gold

Armed with philosophy, science, mythology, and a little bit of magic, medieval alchemists sought to turn lead into gold. This was not merely a matter of greed. The belief that this base metal could be transformed into a higher…

overheard in yoga class
There's a class for that

Connection with God Within

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, David Wagner encourages us to cultivate a grounded spirituality and no-nonsense approach to the Sacred. Connect to your beating heart and embrace what it is like to take a break from your…

There's a Class for That

Self-Care for New Mamas

The first year of a baby’s life is an intense time full of joy, exhaustion, worry and change. Try to carve out a few minutes each day for caring for yourself. Moms who focus on prioritizing self-care for themselves,…

yoga for the subtle body
The Language of Yoga

The Great Mystery of the Subtle Body

When imagining the subtle body, the mystics and yogis of India and Tibet designed elaborate systems for navigating the body’s interior, akin to the network circuitry of a computer. These systems map the flow of breath called pr?na whose…

The Language of Yoga

Yoga for Weight Loss

In fact, yoga’s power to change the body may not so much lie in its physical effects, but in its mental ones. A study a few years ago, looked at the role of Kripalu yoga in helping people lose…

There's a Class for That

Advanced Calm Classes

Are you a seasoned yogi looking to calm your body and mind? This advanced program specifically designed to help you release stress and focus on stillness and breath, while invigorating your body and finding your inner harmony. Whether you’re…