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jason crandell


The Practice of Teaching Yoga

As educators, we have to remember that we will always be honing our craft -- which means we're not always perfect and expecting as much creates unnecessary tension that causes more harm than good. …

Teachers Yoga basics

5 Poses I Love and Why

We love the poses that we love for good reason: they awaken us, they ground us, they soothe us, they challenge us, and they nurture our mind's ability to focus and settle down. …


How to survive teaching the worst yoga class

You're human and you're teaching a live class. This means you're going to trip over your words, feel energetically flat, forget the second side of a sequence, and mismanage your time on occasion. …


How to Teach Transitions

Transitions in yoga - and life - can be choppy, unstable and erratic. As yoga practitioners this is good news because it gives us something to practice. …