From Child's Pose & Tree Pose, to Transitions & Inversions, we’re breaking down all of your favorite poses so you can safely and effectively get the most out your practice.…
There’s a Class for That – Yoga
This week's featured classes will increase your range of motion and will create more flexibility and space in your entire body.…
Looking to make better, more integrative decisions? Yoga can help strengthen and hone your intuition to create a valuable guidance system. You'll start paying attention to and trusting those little hunches or gut feelings that you have.…
This week's featured classes will help in regaining full mobility in the hip joints and as well as the hip flexor muscles that shorten and tighten while sitting.…
Find playfulness, support and a new way to communicate through these classes as you partner up on your mats!…
This week's classes will nudge you towards letting go of what does not serve, leaving room for what does.…
This week's classes will help settle your nerves and help stabilize your energy.…
If you feel that your practice might be getting away from you, try to come back to center and remember to nurture your body and stay connected to your breath and your practice throughout the holidays so you…
This week's featured classes will help support you before, during, and after your travels.…