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Image with a text about Mantra reminds us that we are always repeating something, so we might as well be aware of what we repeat and create some intentional patterns.
The Language of Yoga


From the Sanskrit root “manas,” meaning “mind,” and “tra,” which translates as “tool,” a mantra is literally a tool for the mind. Yoga classes today are full of affirmations and “OMs,” however these “mind tools” are anything but new.…

The Language of Yoga

On why we wake…

What is it that compels us to practice, even when it requires sacrifice, like dragging ourselves out of bed when we’d rather remain asleep? This essay examines why we dedicate ourselves despite the struggle, by exploring the question of…

The Language of Yoga

Tending your fire

In cultures throughout the world, fire is a central element of spiritual practice, revered as the source of light and spark of life. We are captivated by fire—drawn to its warmth and mesmerized by its glow, instinctively aware of…

Cultural Moments The Language of Yoga

Winter Solstice

From the Latin sol meaning “the sun” and sistere meaning “to stop” or “make stand,” a solstice marks the moment when the sun reaches its highest and lowest points in the midday sky—the  longest and shortest days of the…