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During these uncertain times, the feeling of a "lazy summer day" is often hard to come by. Perhaps you live somewhere far from Nature, you've got kids, and you're unable to leave the house or your yard. Whether you have a house full of family or you're living solo for now, and especially if you're an apartment dweller, this will help orient you to your own version of summer, with a practice of self-trust and care.

Elena Brower’s guide to a lazy summer day

During these uncertain times, the feeling of a "lazy summer day" is often hard to come by. Whether you have a house full of family or you're living solo for now, and especially if you're an apartment dweller, this…


Meet our newest teacher, Gopi Kallayil

At Glo, we have a passion for honoring yoga’s past and contributing to yoga’s future. Rarely have these values been embodied in one human more than in Gopi Kallayil, Google’s Chief Brand Evangelist and founder of the Yogler Community.…

Kathryn Budig Recipes

Kathryn Budig’s Quinoa Egg Power Bites Recipe

Looking for a quick protein packed snack that will help you refuel after a yoga or fitness class? Try Kathryn Budig's Quinoa Egg Power Bites! These little bites are a perfect combination of protein and healthy fat, giving you…