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Amy Rosoff Davis is redefining the “dream body”

I am thrilled to introduce myself as one of Glo’s new trainers. I’ve been a dancer, yogi, fitness junkie, Pilates addict, and all-around health nut for over 20 years. I spent most of my life training as an actress,…


Kathryn Budig on the benefit of shifting perspective

As I sit here contemplating the best ways to curb stress, I can’t help but think of our world: one that produces more questions and uncertainty than it does answers and solutions. If I’m being honest, even writing that…

As a health coach, personal trainer, and yoga instructor – I am always striving to inspire my clients to think about wellness from the inside out.

Kim Strother on your relationship with wellness

Over the past decade as a celebrity personal trainer, yoga instructor, and health coach, I’ve learned so much about what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle. Here are 7 ways to reframe your relationship with wellness.…


Jason Crandell on navigating knee challenges

Practicing with injured or recovering knees can be tricky, but these 5 tips will go a long way in helping you navigate some of the challenges that you might experience while practicing.…

I also like to incorporate any big emotions that I’m experiencing into my yoga and meditation practice. If you’ve ever practiced with me, you’ll know one of my opening lines is “notice what you are feeling.” This includes stressful thoughts, difficult emotions, and even numbness.

Jo Tastula On Coping With The Unknown

The unknown is the aspect of life that we simply cannot control. In this post, Jo Tastula shares how she works with big emotions in the face of uncertainty. …