Over the past decade as a celebrity personal trainer, yoga instructor, and health coach, I’ve learned so much about what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle. One major theme I’ve seen with many clients is the imbalanced “all or nothing” feeling that comes when you decide to shift into a healthier lifestyle. Here are 7 ways to reframe your relationship with wellness:
1. Ditch the scale and pay attention to how you feel
The mainstream media around “fitness” has us obsessed with the scale and forgetting that it’s how we FEEL that matters most. Prioritize your energy and happiness and stop letting the scale cause unnecessary stress
2. Quality food > quantity of calories
Here’s your permission slip to stop counting calories. So many foods that boast being a “low calorie” option are just made of processed ingredients and sugar. These products are often completely lacking in any nutrients and will just leave you hungry and unsatisfied. Let’s start thinking about the quality of our food – look for organic, local, and non-gmo and try to eat as many veggies as possible.

3. Learn to listen to your body
There is no “one-size-fits-all” formula for health. A diet or workout that is effective for your friend may very well not be effective for you! We all have such unique constitutions and needs. Start tuning in to your body and listening to how it feels. If you eat something that makes your stomach hurt – don’t eat it! If a workout is straining your body too much, try something more gentle. Our body always knows best!
4. Don’t forget to breathe
So many of us live life holding our breath! Tuning into your breath is a quick, easy, and free way to come back to the present moment. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed try this: Close your eyes, put one hand on your heart and the other on your belly and practice breathing 6 counts in and 6 counts out. Try it for 5 minutes. This simple practice will calm your nervous system and get your body back into neutral.
5. Start incorporating positive affirmations
Every time you hear your inner critic starting to act up, reframe your thoughts into positives. If you’re unhappy with how your body looks today, instead of going into a shame spiral, focus on how grateful you are that your body can move and that it carries you through each and every day. Try looking in the mirror and saying something positive to yourself daily. Let’s all shift away from the negative and affirm the good.

6. Don’t discount your light weights
So many people think they need to use heavy weights for workouts to be effective. But using 3-5lb weights with higher reps can actually help create long lean muscle. Be sure to focus on your form before choosing heavier weights. You’ll want to perfect your movements with lighter weights before sizing up to avoid injury.
7. Get outside!
Nature is so healing, and part of living a healthy lifestyle is getting outside. If you don’t have time for a workout, take a walk around the neighborhood while you’re on a call, with the baby in a stroller, or with a pal. Bonus points for running, hiking, swimming, and cycling!
Want to work out with Kim? We’ve just launched her fitness classes on Glo, with plenty more to come soon.