As the weeks at home stretch on, many of us are beginning to feel like we’re going through the motions or simply filling time. Others are struggling with days that seem to endlessly blend together, as the lines between work and play grow increasingly blurred. While we can’t change what is happening in the world, we can change our relationship to it and infuse some freshness into any areas that feel stale.
If you’re feeling stuck in more ways than one, let us do the planning for a change. Our newest weekend retreat contains a full day of movement, relaxation, and inspiration that will leave you feeling totally revived. We’ve set you up with a complete schedule of classes, from a morning flow to slough off stagnation to a sunset sequence that will all but carry you to bed. Feel free to add your own special touches to this “stay at home” self-care immersion, and read on for some of our best suggestions for an indulgent day.

Making the most of your retreat
Clear some space. If you’ve been lucky enough to be working from home, it’s possible that your workspace and your relaxation space have sort of merged into one. Take some time to move your work-associated items aside to set the tone for a day that’s truly dedicated to you.
Turn off notifications. Since all our communications seem to be digital these days, it’s easy to let message alerts interrupt you and distract you from your practice. While of course, we want you connecting with your people, do try to give yourself some time to focus.
Stuck at home NOT alone? It might be a bit tough to do a retreat if you are sharing space with someone. Invite them to join in! You can practice together, share a mindful meal, and join forces to make the day sacred and fun. If this just isn’t their thing, then chat with them a few days before you plan on practicing to find a rhythm and flow that works for both of you. Taking time to agree upon boundaries beforehand can prevent some uncomfortable spatial clashes down the road.
Share with your community. Log in to the Glo Community to share how you’re feeling, connect with others who are retreating, and trade tips and tricks.
Meal plan ahead. Even though we may have limited access to our favorite foods these days, assemble whatever you have to work with the day before so your retreat day can be smooth sailing. Today should be about enjoying nourishing food, not lots of prep work or clean up.
Really let go. It might feel like all you’ve had lately is “me-time,” but this retreat is about taking time out from stress, worry, and obligation to really check in with yourself. Ask yourself what feels stuck or missing in your life then create the space to hear the answers. Allow tough emotions to be felt then move through you. You deserve this.
Your Glo Retreat schedule
A quick burn for the morning:
Powerhouse Pilates with Jeni DelPozo
Mat Pilates – 15 min
A side of wisdom with your lunch:
Why We Need to Unplug with Taylor Harkness
Beyond the Mat – 5 min
An afternoon sigh of relief:
Breathing for Times of Change with Annie Carpenter
Breathwork – 10 min
A soothing sunset stretch:
Sunset Sequence to Relax and Unwind with Darren Rhodes
Hatha – 30 min