There's a Class for That - Yoga


Enhance Your Valentine’s Day with Partner Yoga Practices

Discover Fun and Meaningful Yoga Practices to Share with a Loved One

What’s better than chocolates and flowers? Yoga, of course! This Valentine’s Day, share a unique experience with someone special and deepen your connection through yoga. Explore Our Valentine’s Day Yoga Classes Now!

Better Together Handstand Training
Mastering a handstand requires consistent practice and confidence. Embark on this journey with a partner to support each other in strengthening and balancing. Celebrate each small victory together, and embrace the life lessons that the pose reveals over time. Sign Up for Our Better Together Handstand Training!

Good Morning Sweetheart
Start your day with a practice designed for couples. Begin with a brief seated meditation back to back, then flow into a neck-opening sequence supported by your partner. Synchronize your breath to enhance your connection. This practice offers a refreshing boost in the morning but is equally enjoyable at any time of day. Book Your Good Morning Sweetheart Session Today!

Partner Meditation
This meditation is tailored for couples. You can practice it with your partner in the same space or by visualizing them if they’re not physically present. This session helps deepen your bond and mutual understanding.

Deepen your bond with our Partner Meditation. Reserve Your Spot for Couples Meditation Now!

Hold Someone Like You Hold Your Phone
In our digital age, it’s easy to opt for a text rather than a face-to-face interaction. In this class, focus on real-time connection through partner stretching. With guided instruction, explore energetic backbends and open your chest and hips. Leave feeling refreshed and ready to connect with others more meaningfully.

Reconnect with real-time interaction. 

Get What You Need
Inspired by Thai massage, this partner class offers a chance to give and receive. Enjoy movements that lengthen and release tension in your legs, and practice gentle traction for your spine. Perfect for unwinding as a pair after a long day or travel. Props Suggested: A blanket.

Partner Face to Face
Deepen your connection by exploring face-to-face intimacy. Often, we see each other without truly engaging. This practice encourages vulnerability and sharing through poses like partner Bharadvajasana, Navasana, Upavistha Parivritta Konasana, and Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. Discover your true self through the eyes of your partner.

Ready to connect more deeply with your loved one? Join Our Partner Yoga Classes and Make This Valentine’s Day Unforgettable!

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