The Language of Yoga

Crafting meaningful, effective yoga sequences

Jason Crandall Tutorials

Over the years, many of you have asked for online courses for yoga teachers. Specifically, you’ve asked for courses to help extend your knowledge of yoga sequencing so that you can enhance your teaching. Jason Crandell’s The Art of Yoga Sequencing online course was designed with you in mind!

This online yoga course will provide you with the tools to develop meaningful, authentic, and effective yoga sequences for you and your students. It will provide you with the knowledge, inspiration, and technique to generate fresh, safe sequences that represent your voice and vision as a teacher. The Art of Yoga Sequencing will teach you how to create effective sequences for each posture category, including arm balances, backbends, forward bends, twists, inversions, energetically balanced practices, practices for better sleep, and more.

This Yoga Sequencing course contains 7 modules and provides approximately 50-hours of continuing education. It contains lecture, practice, sequencing templates, downloadable sequences, reflection questions, key teaching points for each posture group, and a curated list of YogaGlo classes that compliment the module. Content is available for as long as you need it.

This online yoga sequencing course is right for you if:

  • You want information about every posture category, including the essential technique for every posture group, how to prepare for every posture category, and how to conclude every posture category.
  • You need the tools to develop safe, effective sequencing that represents your voice and builds your student-base.
  • You need more confidence to create mixed-level yoga classes while meeting the needs of beginners and experienced students.
  • You crave the support, inspiration, and knowledge that will allow you to teach effective, authentic, and purposeful yoga classes.
  • You want help teaching your students challenging postures like bakasana, handstand, upward-facing bow, and hanumanasana, as well as basic postures like bridge pose, revolved triangle, and more.

You will receive:

  • 30+ hours of professionally-produced lecture, discussion, and practice video.
  • Sequencing templates for each posture group—so you can create your own sequences within an effective, safe structure.
  • 20+ prepared sequences, to practice and teach.
  • New yoga sequences every month to keep your practice and teaching fresh.
  • Live chats with Jason twice a-month to ask questions and get feedback—for an entire year from the day you join the program.
  • Feedback on your sequencing
  • 35+ recommended YogaGlo classes to practice and study
  • 3 free months of YogaGlo subscription time

The 7 Modules include:

We are honored to offer such incredible teachings to yoga students and teachers all over the world and we look forward to supporting you in your journey for ever-increasing knowledge and awareness.

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