So this weekend we challenge you to take some time to try and reconnect to your life's purpose - make your way back onto the path that you might have strayed from. …
The Language of Yoga
This weekend, if you catch yourself thinking about what's to come or thinking about what happened in the past, remember that joy is now, joy is in the moment. …
6 Steps For Calming, Grounding Forward Bends
Forward bends are the introverts of the asana spectrum. While backbends have a spacious, majestic quality, forward bends turn us inward and create the conditions for greater calmness and ease. These postures even have a grounding effect for students…
This weekend, we encourage you to tell someone who does not practice yoga, how yoga has positively affected or changed your life. …
Pratyahara is the fifth limb of yoga, and it's usually translated as "withdrawal of the senses."…
In this week's Overheard in Yoga class, Marc Holzman explains the meaning of Mudita.…
The goal of the fourth limb of yoga, pranayama, is to gain control of the breath. Learning how to change your breath actually allows you to halt (and redirect) that stress reaction, which is "turned on" all too often…
For most of us today, the third limb of yoga, asana - the poses or postures - is the essence of the practice.…
This weekend we challenge you to slow down and explore what is making you impatient.…