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Overheard in Class


In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Sianna Sherman reminds us that Dharma is the magnetic point of radiance that the yogi listens to, dials into, goes for and ultimately surrenders to.…

Overheard in Class

Open the Heart

Opening the heart not only supports a deep breath and a healthy digestive system but also plugs you into a deeper sense of self and reveals self-knowledge in a way that will ease fear, anxiety, and doubt.…

Overheard in Class

A Matter of Faith

A lot of us don't have faith or trust in our strength, but if we pour our hearts into our practice and have faith, we'll be surprised to see how strong we really are.…

Overheard in Class

Knowing Your Gifts

In this week’s Overheard in Yoga Class, Elena Brower defines our gift as our medicine. Our presence, our attention and our healing that we give to the world is our medicine, it is our gift. When we practice yoga,…

Overheard in Class

Love Yourself

In this week's Overheard in Yoga Class, Kathryn Budig explains how we can use asanas as a tool to make us comfortable with the skin we're in right now. …