We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.– Herman Melville
Our Earth is so special not just because of her majestic beauty and wisdom but because she connects us, all of us. No matter who we are or where we are from, we all share a collective home, our planet home.
We are reminded now more than ever of our interconnectedness not only with one another but with nature and our planet. The Earth needs our help, and we need her. There is a direct relationship between our health and nature’s ecosystems. And so, if we are looking to take care of ourselves, we must consider how we care for our planet, and when we are looking to take care of our planet, we must consider how we take care of ourselves.
Self-care = Earth-care.
Because of our intrinsic connection with nature, we cannot separate the two. When we attempt to do so, we are met with dis-ease, depression, destruction, and a whole host of harmful side effects. So in the spirit of this 50th Earth Day and our interconnectedness, let’s first look within. Going within is where we gain strength, heal, and grow awareness. When we take time for self-reflection, there is a beautiful opportunity to reconnect with ourselves in a compassionate, loving way. Here we can create space for radical acceptance and forgiveness.
This inner-healing work translates to how we treat not just ourselves but also those around us and our environment. When we consider how our inner landscape translates to our outer landscape, there is an opportunity for gaining insight and the inspiration for action to be taken. We can become empowered rather than feel deflated and hopeless. We rest, we rise, and then we take action in a sustainable, meaningful way.
There are many ways to take action, and I hope you feel inspired to research and decide how you can serve our planet best. Only you know what changes you can make in your life that will help our planet as a whole. It may begin with taking the time to educate yourself and connect with like-minded community members. The healthier we are, the better able we are to show up and do the work. And this will likely look different from day to day, which is the beauty of having a community that cares. It’s important to remember that we are not alone. We have each other near or far. We can’t fix it all on our own. The task can feel too daunting and overwhelming, but together we can make a difference.
If you are nearly confined to your home during our current world health crisis, here are some ideas for honoring Earth Day 50:

Use this time to educate yourself on the current health of the planet. There are many wonderful resources, but here are a few to get you started:
Project Drawdown
Green Peace
Plastic Pollution Coalition
Lonely Whale
Look for amazing initiatives to come from Earth Alliance.Read about the history of Earth Day.
Take action from home. Tune into Earth Day Live 2020, April 22-24. Activists, performers, thought leaders, and artists will come together for an empowering, inspiring, and communal three-day Livestream mobilization. It’s been my honor to help bring yoga and meditation to Earth Day Live 2020. Look for Glo teachers Elena Brower, Kathryn Budig, and Gustavo Padron. You’ll see me there offering mindfulness moments, connecting us to nature. Also, look for wonderful initiatives from Earth Day. They are offering 24 hours of action, flooding the world with hope and optimism.
Create new healthy planet habits. Make a list of the ways you can conserve energy and reduce waste now and after we come through this world health crisis. Make a list, make it artful, and hang it on your wall to help keep you committed and inspired. Remember, it’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. There is a reason ‘reduce’ and ‘reuse’ come first. Where in your life can you simplify and reduce clutter? Spring is a great time to clear space and take inventory of your true needs. Keep in mind much of what we place in recycle bins does not get recycled.
Connect with the Earth. Go outside and stand on the ground. If you’re unable to stand on the ground, this works as a powerful visualization too. With bare feet, if possible, sink your feet into the ground like the roots of a tree. Raise your arms above your head, reaching to the sky (mountain pose). Please close your eyes and feel our Earth’s energy running through you. This energy is part of you. Breathe here with her. Stay here as long as you like. Repeat as needed. Share this practice of connecting to nature with others. The more we connect with nature, the more compelled we are to care and protect nature.
Explore our Earth Day Collection. On this Earth Day, more than ever, we find solace in a breath of fresh air, the touch of the sun, the firm hold of the ground. As we rediscover our interconnectivity with each other and our planet during a time of crisis, we’re taking time to feel that connection deeply through practices focused on our relationship to the elements, plants, and animals.
Create your Glo Community Profile. Here you’ll find badges like Solutionist, Animal Lover, Vegan, and more. Look for opportunities to connect with like-minded community members.
Clean up your neighborhood. If you can go on walks in your community, consider wearing gloves and picking up any trash you find along the way. Once we pay attention to our surroundings, we can see more of what needs healing. Just like when we get quiet, pay attention, and look within, we can create more awareness of our inner landscape.

Lisa Brooks
Chief Community Officer, Head of Nonprofit Initiatives and Sustainability Efforts