There's a Class for That

Continuous Flow

continuous flow

Our very own Jo Tastula said that “mindfulness is a spacious inclusive awareness of what ever is arising. As everything that is arising is continuously changing, the art of the practice is to stay aware of each passing part without getting stuck in it. A continuous flow is a great way to practice this meditation as movement.”

This week’s featured classes are all about strong, steady, non-stop flows that focus on sustainable, rhythmic breathing. No resting here!

You can use our Search Feature to search through all of our Continuous Flow classes on your own. To get you started without searching, we’re highlighting six continuous flow classes in a variety of styles, levels and durations that will be sure to awaken and strengthen the entire body!

  • Fun Continuous Flow with Tiffany Cruikshank: This is a fun continuous flow with some good core, leg and hip work throughout. Less talking, more doing so the instruction is minimal with options to make it more like a level 2 or more like a level 2/3. Have fun!
  • No-Nonsense Continuous Flow with Marc Holzman: You have only 30 minutes and you just need to move? This is a no-nonsense continuous flow that compacts warm-ups, standing poses, a few hip openers and backbends. You’re good to ‘GLO.
  • Continuous Hamstring Flow with Amy Ippoliti: Less talking, more bending, this practice is designed to get a sweat going with no poses too deep or strenuous. The flow is modified specifically for tight hamstrings using 2 blocks. Peaks at hanumanasana (with blocks of course). A blanket is helpful to place under your knees if needed.
  • Continuous Flow with Stephanie Snyder: This is a challenging vinyasa flow that covers sun salutes, core strengthening, a strong standing series with twists and balancing poses. Moving into backbends and finishing with forward folds, this is a well rounded and satisfying class for the intermediate/advanced practitioner. Enjoy!
  • Continuous Flow with Tara Judelle: A continuous flow that includes pincha mayurasana, eka pada rajakapotasana, urdhva dhanurasana, drop backs, parsva bakasana, hanumanasana, and headstand.
  • Mindful Awareness of Continuous Change with Jo Tastula: Mindfulness is a spacious inclusive awareness of what ever is arising. As everything that is arising is continuously changing, the art of the practice is to stay aware of each passing part without getting stuck in it. A continuous flow is a great way to practice this meditation as movement. There are a lot of deep forward bends which both lengthen the muscles in the back of the body, but also calm the nervous system and mind. Sun salutations (surya namaskara A) which have lots of standing forward bend (uttanasana) also wide legged forward bend (prasarita padottanasana) pyramid pose (parsvottanasana). Balance poses tree (vrksasana) eagle (garudasana) warrior 3 (virabhadrasana). Deep lunge (anjanyasana) dolphin and free time at the end of practice for your own inversions or backbends. Nice guided savasana. Blessings!



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