There's a Class for That - Yoga Yoga basics | Tips for Practicing in Nature

Yoga for Newcomers with Annie Carpenter

Yoga for Newcomers Program

Yoga for Newcomers is a foundational series of classes for new yogis. This program is perfect for those looking to gain knowledge of basic poses who want to become comfortable enough to attend an in-person class at a local studio. Annie Carpenter will introduce you to the basic poses and each practice will get a bit more challenging, culminating with a fun sequence at the end that connects everything you’ve learned. You’ll need two blocks, a blanket or towel and a strap (alternatives are mentioned in the program).

Do your best to find a regular schedule where you can commit to taking two classes per week. You’ll need two blocks, a blanket or towel and a strap (alternatives are mentioned in the program). Be patient with yourself. Remember, yoga should always feel good so feel free to take a break or modify as needed.

Start Annie’s Yoga for Newcomers Program today!

If you aren’t a YogaGlo member, sign-up today so you can access Annie’s new program along with our library of programs, classes and courses!

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