Yoga basics

Mindfulness Stories to Kickstart Your Week

yoga for seniors

This week in wellness news, a new study by the University of Connecticut finds that practicing yoga may improve protein utilization among older women, and lead to the maintenance of muscle at a time in life when muscle loss is common.

Read that and these other great yoga, health & wellness stories from around the web.

  • Yoga Was the Missing Link to My Fitness Routine: “Since participating in yoga classes, I’ve noticed a significant increase in my flexibility. I have very tight hip flexors, which often cause discomfort and limit my range of motion in some exercises. However, the stretches performed in yoga class loosened my hip flexors substantially. This increased flexibility improved my lifting technique. I am now able to get lower when I squat, which helps activate my glutes.”
  • Yoga Helps Preserve Muscle Mass in Older Women: “Yogis burned more fat at rest than their non-exercising counterparts and had lower rates of protein synthesis and breakdown. This reduced rate of protein turnover may be associated with maintenance of muscle mass resulting from routine yoga practice.”
  • Mindfulness in Policing Builds Resilience, Empathy: “For the last 10 years, Goerling has been exploring resiliency techniques and assisting with scientific research into using mindfulness and meditation as tools to enhance police officers’ performance and well-being. He calls it Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT). “Police officers are required and asked to bump up against tremendous social problems, suffering, and trauma on a regular basis, day in and day out,” said Goerling. Research shows that the job’s intense demands place officers at higher risk of developing high blood pressure, heart problems, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and increased levels of harmful stress hormones.”

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