“Yoga as art, Anusara as shri, embodiment of the goddess dancing.”
John Friend, the founder of Anusara yoga, is widely recognized as one of the most charismatic and highly respected hatha yoga teachers in the world. Blending a life-affirming Tantric yoga philosophy with Universal Principles of Alignment and a delightful sense of humor, John’s teaching style guides each student to live every moment fully from the heart. Students often comment in amazement that they can perform their yoga poses under John’s guidance with a level of creative freedom and inner power that they have never experienced before. Above all, John respects and honors his students with a great deal of loving-kindness and inspires them to see their own unique beauty and divine goodness.
Founded in 1997, Anusara yoga is one of the most highly respected schools of hatha yoga in the world with an expanding presence in North America, the UK, Europe, Asia, and Australia. With hundreds of thousands of students and thousands of teachers worldwide, Anusara yoga is now practiced on every continent throughout the world, excluding Antarctica. With its closely knitted community and industry-leading standards in teacher certification, Anusara yoga is highly respected throughout the greater yoga populace as a preeminent 21st century yoga school.