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Pose Library

Gomukhasana: Give it your all

Pronounced: go-mook-HAS-uh-nuh Cow Face Pose From the Sanskrit “go” meaning “cow,” and “mukha,” meaning “face,” Gomukhasana invites us to playfully place our bodies in a shape that resembles the face of a cow. If you’re having trouble seeing it,…

Pose Library

Virabhadrasana I: What in your life is worth fighting for?

Pronounced: VEER-uh-bhah- DRAH-suh-nuh Warrior Pose, First Variation Have you ever wondered, “If yoga is meant to help me be more peaceful, what’s with all the ‘warrior’ poses?” Well, there are actually many reasons, but for now, let’s go back…

Pose Library

Marichyasana: Ray of light

Pronounced: mah-ree-chee-YAH-suh-nuh Sage Pose, First Variation Ever heard of “asana greed”? It’s the sense of wanting more from a pose—to nail a handstand, conquer an arm balance, or slide further into the splits. Isn’t it funny that many of…